up the mountain by Meabh c

This was it. This is the last mountain we could climb. If the water level went any higher we would be doomed. Carl, the oldest person in our group said we have to climb the tallest mountain in the talked about how sea-rise wasn’t important to most people before the scientists had discovered the ice caps were melting, and how people should do their part for the world. Once we reached the top world. We were climbing Mount Everest, because of global warming it was sunny up there now. Carl we set up camp and waited for it to come

One thought on “up the mountain by Meabh c”

  1. Hello! I think your story shows the dangers of inaction in relation to our environment. You started your story in a very powerful way…”last mountain” and ended it in the same way…”waited for it to come”. Last, to me, indicates that this is the very last chance, there won’t be another opportunity. Waited, indicates that it is a fact, it is coming so action has to happen. The use of the word “it” also works really well as it impersonalises this thing that is causing danger to us. Well done.

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