Exploring by Meabh and Emma

Hi I’m Veronica and I was bored one day and I decided to go exploring.

On a Saturday night, I went exploring. I saw an alley way and I decided to go down there , I was kinda creeped because there was a creepy house and it’s door was open. I didn’t see anyone in there. I decided to be brave enough to in there but then I chickened out. I saw somebody come up the alley way and I got so scared I ran like lighting and he caught me.

Then I realised that It was just a dream.

One thought on “Exploring by Meabh and Emma”

  1. Oh, I was getting quite worried by your story, Meabh and Emma. I was so relieved it turned out to be a dream, especially when I got to the bit where you said ‘I got so scared I ran like lighting and he caught me.’ You have built the tension very well in this short story.

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