A Very Bad Idea

There were two little kids called Sarah and Sam. They had always wanted a dog but we’re not allowed one. So a crazy idea popped into their head, they would get a pet without their parents permission. They went upstairs and cracked their piggy banks and of they went to the pet shop. They went in and chose their dog. When they went to pay the lady said ”are you sure you want this one he is a bit hyper.” ”Yes.” So they went home “what do you think?” asked Sam “they never should have said yes” said their parents. “You have to be responsible and clean it and do everything.” “ That dog isn’t very shy “ said their parents. “Maybe this was a bad idea this dog will make our lives miserable!!!!”

One thought on “A Very Bad Idea”

  1. ello Brianna & Ella,

    Your epic 132 word story has its heroes, Sarah and Sam, or perhaps they were villains for buying a dog without their parents’ permission. It’s also a warning for others because Sarah and Sam were soon to realise they made a wrong choice and would have to live with the consequences of owning a hyperactive dog. Well done.

    A small suggestion… The 100 Word Challenge should be 100 words, plus the prompt 6 words, i.e. 106 words or less.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

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