The Competition

Mia and Jack were best friends and they decided to go for a walk. They were going on an adventure through the woods when they got bored and decided to have a competition, who could find the coolest thing would win a prize. Mia went left and Jack went right. Mia found an old boot but as she picked it up there were snails and bugs inside “Disgusting” she said as she put in back down. Jack wanted to win so badly so he decided to walk on the trail beside the woods when he found a yellow spray-painted bike if he picked this, he knew he would win. He looked around to make sure that know one was looking before he was about to grab the bike, but it was stuck! He pulled and pulled but know luck. Just then he heard a noise behind him it was a lady she took the bike and Jack to!

He was never to be seen again!!


by Leah L

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