Hell of A Day

One scorching afternoon in Portugal three  trouble making triplets were on a peaceful  holiday. Topsy,Tim and Tom went swimming in the deep blue sea when they noticed something fishy was happening down there. As they got closer  they realised that it was a torn apart ship from the 80s . Topsy wanted to explore so she went  off. That’s when she noticed a rather large chest.”Tim and Tom look what I found !!!”.Her two mischievous brothers swam over quickly and they picked the rusty old lock, out slithered five deadly pythons they swam out and bit the boys!!! It was only Topsy left and she said to herself but I had to see what was inside…….

The Medieval Mystery

Long long ago in medieval times, there lived a father and his daughter. They lived in a very run down spooky old castle in Dundrum. One night as the daughter awoke from a loud noise in her sleep, she got up and couldn’t see much so she felt her way along the wall. Eventually she came to a light switch and she pressed it down. “Woohoo !” She said silently. Suddenly when the light came on, she noticed a entrance at the bottom of the cobblestone wall. “I was thinking of turning around but I had to see what was inside..” She pushed the door open and walked in to find some old warn down bones. “Oh my goodness what in the world!” She thought to herself as she walked away, ” It only came to me after leaving that my dad is a murderer!” 🙂

The Mob of Humans

One dark gloomy blue moon, there was a companion of four. It had two girls and two boys. One witch named Anne who could do all sorts of spells, the next a boy called Valley who was a vampire, then it was Fortune who is a fortune teller who has magical cards that can tell the future and finally Gussy no one really knows what he’s cable of. The group were hosting a grand dinner party for Halloween night. While they were setting up chairs and tables Gussy disappeared. He came back later with a mob of humans chasing him! He sprinted inside and slammed the door. “What were you doing” shouted Fortune , “I went inside a human house” he replied “what were you thinking” said Anne furious “but I had to see what was inside”
By Maeve & Maria 🤩🤩

The haunted house 🏡

The haunted house 🏡
I knew l shouldn’t have gone out trick or treating with the covid-19 restrictions but l just couldn’t miss out on all those delicious sweets .I snuck out, careful not to wake any members of the household and sprinted down the road .It was nine ó clock so hardly nobody was out .I past a man walking his dog and a few girls out playing but besides that I was alone. I soon came to the end of the street and I saw a crooked house with lots of scary and realistic decorations. I didn’t want to go in but I had to see what was inside…
By Emily and Catherine 🎃

A Silhouette in the Woods

One dull and misty day Bella and her mother were in the woods. Bella asked her mam if she could go exploring, and of course her Mam said yes. So Bella went off and suddenly she saw a silhouette in the fog. She bolted over to see what it was, it was a tall broken down haunted house. Just as she was about to peer through the window, her Mam grabbed her arm and said“ what are you doing? ”she questioned. “ I’m exploring what did you think I was doing , knitting? ” she snapped. “Lose that attitude young woman! ”“what were you really doing ?” “I had to see what was inside!! ”


By Ella and Brianna

The Crazy Package


One cold, winter’s day Amy was home alone because her mom was out Christmas shopping, Suddenly she heard a knock on the door, she was curious so went to check. She opened the door to only see a small package. She really wanted to open it. She opened it and suddenly she fell into it , she felt her self falling into a new dimension. She landed straight on her face , she got up and brushed herself down. She opened her eyes and gazed with amazement, she turned around and saw a big black door. “I had to see what was inside” she said to herself so she did, the door creaked open and to her surprise she saw stacks of GOLD . But suddenly she woke up to jingling noises, it was her mom putting up Christmas decor.


Last Friday Night

Last Friday Night

One gloomy night, my heart stopped beating. I jumped out of my bed. Not knowing what would happen next. My window was wide open , the blinds moving with the wind. Scared and alone in my bed, I got up and walked out of my room. To my surprise I could see light shining from a room. This was not an ordinary room. It was a room we were not allowed in. I wanted to open the door to see what was inside , but I knew I wasn’t allowed, but I had to see what was inside. I opened the door and……….

Bye Sophie and Kate


The haunted house
One freaky Halloween night, there were a group of girls out trick or treating. Lily’s mother gave her a map of where to go. Lily shoved the map in her pocket and didn’t follow it. Then Lily took a wrong turn. They were walking for hours and then they came across an abandoned house. It looked really scary and haunted. “IM SCARED LETS GO BACK” screamed Kate. “ NO” roared Lily. “ I have to see what is inside” announced Lily. She slowly walked in. She wasn’t watching and walked into the door and knocked herself out……… what do you think happened next?????
By Kate and Molly

The Grand Ball

On a cold winter evening, Princess Liz lay in bed. Her birthday only a week away. All the invitations were sent out for the grand birthday ball. She had a bunch of artificial ,angelic and amazing decorations all set up for the party. As her soft pink and white covers brushed of her legs she was looking around listlessly. A week later, Princess Liz was dressed up in a gorgeous ruffely blue dress, as she looked out her window she could see the guests arriving. The Princess and Prince of the Elephant kingdom turned up on an elephant, then the Princess of Cherry blossom falls came in a stunning glass carriage. Then finally the Princess of Tower high came in on a magic carpet. But little did they know a group of men were planning on bombing the castle.

By Maeve & Maria♥️

The Secret Door 🚪

One dreary day Niamh and Maeve were having a snazzy sleepover after school on Friday. It was 3:43 am before they went to sleep, suddenly Niamh flashed up from bed whilst hearing a loud BANG, They went to explore the house, but Maeve noticed something . A tiny door creaked open, “listen” Maeve whispered
“What” said Niamh “follow me “ said Maeve, they crawled through the they door . They fell into world war 1 . All they heard were gun shots and shouting . Niamh and Maeve were horrified . They attempted to get to safety but it was nowhere to be found. “ NIAMH WATCH OUT” Shouted Maeve. “OWWWW,I GOT SHOT.” Maeve Was bawling crying only to realise she had woken up to smelling pancakes her parents had made for her and Niamh