An Unlikely Incident

“Don’t touch that you little rat!!!!!! “ Demanded old captain John. “It was Timmy” yelled Pat, Timmy had launched the cannonball. “Oopps was I not meant to do that???”. “No you weren’t you snot”. Timmy can be a tad bit foolish sometimes. 1000s of miles away there was a man who had just got a rusty old cannonball in the head!!!! Timmy was accused for attempting murder. The young boy had to spend the next depressing 10 years of his life in a damp, dirty and dull cell. Back at the trench old Captain John was stressing because great Britain were due to arrive in an hour and they were down a man!!!! by Lucy and Emma

2 thoughts on “An Unlikely Incident”

  1. This is a fantastic story. Brilliant use of alliteration “damp, dirty and dull”. I really enjoyed reading this.

  2. Hi girls,
    I didn’t know whether to laugh at or cry about Timmy’s misfortune! Have you read any of the Lemony Snicket books? I am reminded of the title, ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’
    Thanks for posting this week,
    Jackie (Team 100WC)
    New Zealand

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